Week beginning – 19th August 2024

Posted by Jane Walters

Shining Stars

This month in Shining Stars we have been doing a ‘seaside’ theme, as many of the children have been on their summer holidays and had lots of interest in the beach. We explored a ‘beach’ tuff tray, with tissue paper for the sea, and sand with bucket and spades and shells too. We loved feeling the texture of the sand and listening to the sea through the shells. We have been talking about what you may do or find at the beach, getting creative with paint, glue and different materials to make sea shells and sea creatures. We have been doing water play to cool down on the warmer days, practicing our filling and emptying and splashing around! Also outside, we have been engaging in sporty games like egg and spoon races, bean bag throwing and golf, to support our turn-taking, sharing and team work. We have been using flashcards and phonics to practice our letter recognition and sounds, helping us to recognise the sounds of different letters and how we pronounce them. We particularly enjoyed using our imagination with the recyclable materials and talking about recycled waste.