Week beginning 14th August 2023

Posted by Jane Walters


Shining Stars Update


This month in Shining stars we have been exploring our florist role play area. The children have been taking it in turns to sell flowers, using the order forms to choose different styles and colours. We have coloured different flower pictures, used our cutting skills to cut around flower shapes, and glued different flowers onto paper bowls to look like posies. Using our fine motor skills, we moved playdough around to fit onto different flower shapes. We have also had group discussions about what they sell at a florists and about different flowers and how they grow. In our small world area, the children have been exploring our new train station! As a group, we spoke about what we could see. The children noticed lots of different shops, a café, and a police station. There is even a space for ‘digging’. The children explored the train station and track using trains and small world people. We took turns, shared the trains and worked together to build and navigate the track! The children have been doing lots of outdoor play and spent lots of time with our friends in Super Stars. We have been bug hunting, climbing the climbing wall, and used our gross motor skills to navigate the giant obstacle course! We took part in a sports day inspired activity where the children were racing with their friends, moving in different ways (running, jumping, skipping and hopping). We have also been practicing jumping with feet together and feet apart whilst doing hopscotch.