COVID – 19 Update

Posted by Jane Walters

Good evening,

I just wanted to pop an update as such on here to let you know how we are moving forward with the current pandemic.

So from 1st June 2020, the Government decided that we could re-introduce children into the nursery and put them into ‘bubbles’.

We have decided that we are calling them ‘ friendship groups’. Over the coming months we will be phasing children back, and welcoming some of those cosmonauts that have been waiting patiently to start.

We have to introduce new cosmonauts slightly differently now, as we are not allowed to have adults or other children here into the nursery itself.

So a settling in session consists of a 30 minute chat with the child’s key worker. This is conducted in the main Reception area. After approximately 30 minutes the key worker then takes the child off to their room for an hours play. To date this system has been working really well, this is in complete contrast to settling in’s completed during complete lock down, when we had to take on board some new cosmonauts and had to start them straight in with no settling in. !! This also worked really well.


We are doing everything we possibly can to make the cosmonauts time here, fun and exciting whilst also learning whilst they play, whilst also doing our upmost their learning environment as clean and hygienic as humanly possible. We already had a very high standard of cleanliness here at Bright Stars, but even this has been pushed up, with cleaning of toys between groups, and even excluding some resources that are unable to be cleaned to our high standards at this present time. Children, once they arrive into the nursery, will wash their hands before they join in the fun in the room and then they will continue to wash their hands several times throughout the day.

We use the computer software Connect to communicate to parents. When a child arrives in the day time at their arrival time, parents drop them at the door to me. I then take them to their classroom where they are greeted by their key worker.

At the end of the day, the parent arrives and then I go to the classroom to collect their child.

We have lots of markings on the path leading up to the nursery, to help parents and children keep two metres apart whilst they are waiting.