Posted by Jane Walters

Good afternoon

I wanted to provide an update following the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), and hopefully to offer some reassurance in what has become a worrying and uncertain time.

Here at Bright Stars we are taking the outbreak very seriously and all contact points are wiped on a regular basis with Clinell antibacterial wipes (the same ones that are used in hospitals). All staff are washing their hands regularly when entering the building and before interacting with the children, and also before and after helping the children to eat their meals, nappy changing and general duties.

The children are also washing their hands several times throughout the day, more so than they would normally do. This includes, before eating, after coming in from outside and when sneezing and coughing. We ask that you continue this practice at home and before the children arrive at the nursery each morning. We have now installed gel dispensers at the entrance to the Reception hall, I ask that all parents apply a small amount of the gel before entering the building and then assist your child to wash their hands once they arrive into their classroom.

In light of the new guidance provided last night (16th March 2020), you are requested not to send your children to the nursery if they, or anyone in your household has either a high temperature of 37.8 or above and/or a new continuous cough. You will need to keep your child away from nursery for 14 days, as it stands at the moment.

We are actively taking guidance from Public Health England and the Government. All these updates can be accessed through

Should we receive any official instructions to close the nursery we shall communicate this immediately and provide you with as much notice as possible.

We will be sending out updates as and when we have them and will be updating Facebook, Twitter and Instagram regularly.

I do thank you for your understanding and co-operation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me on 01789 868233 or alternatively you can call the Department for Education helpline on 0800 046 8687 which has been launched to answer any questions you may have.

Jane Walters

Fleet Commander