![Bidford Bright-Stars - Opening Day 2019](https://bidfordbrightstars.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/bidford-bright-stars-opening-day-2019-9-400x267.jpg)
Good morning everyone,
Well what a time we are having at the moment.
It is that time of year when we need to resubmit the Funding forms. These are due to start on 20th April 2020. But obviously at the moment we are still unsure whether or not this will happen.
When the children eventually get to come back, I need to make sure that the funding is in place for them. In order for this to be in place and ready WCC are wanting us to get the forms filled in and submitted by Friday this week.
Obviously this is not possible due to the restrictions put in place. So, they have agreed that we can accept an email from parents agreeing what is filled out on the form and then once the children are back, you can sign the original.
So I have sent out everyone’s forms to them, for you to look at. Please can you check that all the information that you previously claimed against are still the same. I have attached a guidance information sheet with the email, please take a look at this and then if you could let me have the requested information back that would be great. I need this information by Wednesday if possible to allow me time to enter onto the portal before it closes on Friday.
For those of you that have not claimed the funding before, and are still unsure by the email and guidance sheet, just give me a call and I will try my best to explain to you over the phone.
Many thanks everyone
Stay safe, stay home
Jane – Fleet Commander