Hello there, so another week has passed
we have welcomed back some of our friends
we have welcomed some new cosmonauts on board
Here are some photo’s of the fun we have been having
Phew, so as you can see we have be super busy here at Bright Stars whilst keeping within our friendship groups
We love it.
1st June 2020

Big truck fun

Robot Mike has been woken up

Toddler fun on the wobbly bridge
2nd June 2020

Bouncing fun

More bouncy fun

Knight and castle fun for the pre-schoolers

Pretty princess – all she needs now is a castle !!!!

Soft play fun

Outside farm fun

Scuttlebug fun in the toddlers

Carefully does it on the wobbly bridge

Scuttlebug fun in toddlers
3rd June 2020

Just checking out the strawberries

Um, yum

Unicorn fun

Toddler turn on the soft play

Making shapes with the soft play mats

Toddlers have the Peppa pig activity box today, yay what fun. All our activity boxes are cleaned in between friendship groups having them

Even though we have to keep within our friendship groups, it doesn’t stop us having social distancing story time. Three classrooms all together

4th June 2020

Peppa pig has come to Shining stars, with a good clean wash in between. All our cosmonauts here at Bright Stars love Peppa Pig

Great mark making. Budding artist in the making

More Peppa pig fun

Toddlers have got the musical instrument box today

Two sisters enjoy some Peppa pig fun

Toddlers having a tea party

Shining stars girlies enjoy some building fun

And some outside fun to finish the day

5th June 2020

Crown making today in Shining stars

More careful colouring of our crowns

Toddlers having fun with the train track, before it is put away for 72 hours before someone else can use it safely

Story time with Lauren, babies and toddlers enjoy some quiet time

Even the littlies can have some bouncy fun
Can not wait to see what next week brings
Jane – Fleet commander