Little Clusters Update…
In Little Clusters this month we have enjoyed exploring the garden in all the rain, jumping in muddy puddles trying to make the biggest splash!
We explored the mud with our hands and then used the mud to draw on paper; we enjoyed making different pictures with the mud, doing handprints and some of us even used our wellies to leave muddy footprints!
We have been talking about the Lunar New Year, and as 2023 is the year of the Rabbit so we have been doing lots of activities around rabbits, including finding rabbits that have been hidden around the garden.
We have also loved making giant train tracks around the room, working as part of a group to develop our communication and turn-taking, as well as our shape recognition when having to slot the track together and seeing which shape we can make the track.
We had our first Gymnastics lesson with Coach Craig from Super Star sports which we loved! We all had to balance different body parts on a pool noodle, using our listening ears and following instructions.