Week beginning 19th September 2022

Posted by Sharon Matthews

Shining Stars Update…


Recently in Shining Stars we have welcomed lots of new children to the room. We have spent lots of time getting to know each other and talking about our classroom routine and golden rules.

This month we are looking at our new topic, ‘food’. We have been looking at healthy eating and discussing what our plates should look like through matching games. We have also looked at what components make up pizza through arts and crafts and messy play using play dough. The children then decorated ‘pizzas’ with toppings of their choice.

This week we have enjoyed our first forest school session of the term. We explored forest school and went through our forest school rules with our forest school leader, Chris; The children looked for bugs under logs, got very muddy in the digging pit and used their problem solving and gross motor skills to tackle obstacles and climb. Well done Shining Stars!!