Shining Stars Update
In the past month, Shining Stars have been learning about vets! The children learnt when to take their pets to the vet and what will happen: the vet will take their temperature, check their heart beat with the stethoscope, and check their bones for fractures.
We even looked at some animal x-rays and discovered that animals look different inside from humans but have bones like us. We then explored what we learnt by pretending to be vets! We dressed up in role play outfits and checked our pets with the stethoscopes, took their temperatures, vaccinated some of them, checked their teeth and gums, gave them medicine, and made sure they were eating healthy food.
In the last week we have also learnt about the Coronation: why it’s happening and how we will celebrate to mark this special day. The children learnt the National Anthem and sang together with the teachers. We also discussed London, our capital city, talking about the iconic buildings that make London special and the most important one, Buckingham Palace, where our King lives!
To finish off this amazing week, we enjoyed our own Coronation party, with party food, balloons, bunting, and very yummy cake!