Little Stars Update
This month in Little Stars we have been focusing on spending time outside and developing our gross motor skills! We have been exploring the water play, splashing around with the boats, letters, numbers, as well as finding different bugs.
We have also been engaging in some group soft play over the last month; we demonstrated good turn taking and sharing skills, as well as developing our gross motor skills.
Inside, we have been doing some crafts to decorate our room for the start of summer, we stuck tissue paper onto flowers, painted suns, ice creams and sea creatures. All creative activities help develop our fine motor skills, imagination skills, and communication and language, as well as our mark making skills.
We enjoyed celebrating the Kings Coronation by having a tea party in the garden, where we really enjoyed the picnic style lunch.
We also explored different textures with balloons and sensory play, exploring the red, white and blue colours.
This month we have also been having lots of fun during our ‘Keep to the Beat’ music session with Naomi. We have been learning and making lots of different sounds with a variety of instruments, singing lots of songs whilst copying the actions, as well as rolling the bouncy balls to our friends and popping some bubbles at the end! The music sessions help us to develop our creative and social skills, at the same time as exploring our senses and our imaginations!