Week Beginning 30th October 2023

Posted by Jane Walters




This month in Super Stars, we have been enjoying our space station role play area, as well as decorating some planets for our theme of the month! This supported the children’s knowledge and understanding of space.

We have been getting creative looking forward to Halloween this month as the children have been helping us decorate our door for the Halloween door competition! They have been colouring in our huge pumpkin, sticking, and gluing to decorate their own bats and sweets to fall out of the pumpkins mouth, and painting their ‘Trick or Treat letters.’ We enjoyed our spider web tuff tray – trying to pick up the spiders with the pincers and dropping them into the web. We made ghosts by dabbing with white paint sponges and sticking the mouth onto our ghost, colouring in ‘boo’ pictures for Halloween, and talking about different costumes and what the children were dressing up as for Halloween!

The children have been practicing writing their own name and having a go at handwriting practice which supported their literacy skills and pencil grip. We are encouraging the children to recognise the letters within their names so that they are familiar – in which we have made great improvement!