Super Stars Update…
This week in Super Stars we have been getting very creative and using our fine motor skills to create firework pictures for Bonfire Night this weekend.
We all got involved and dressed up on Monday for a spooky Halloween day at nursery where we made monster crowns and had a mini Halloween party playing games and dancing to music.
Super stars have also enjoyed getting stuck into forest school where we used our gross motor skills to saw some wood, build dens out of sticks for the furry friends and used teamwork to help our friends find small bugs and balance on the wobbly planks.
Super stars have been practising their letter recognition and making letters using play foam. We have also been using recycled parts to junk model and make buildings and animals out of natural resources, allowing us to decide on our own materials and decide what we want to make.
Lastly, we have been learning and talking about the importance of brushing our teeth and have been so independent brushing them every day after lunch.
Well done Super Stars!