Shining Stars
In Shining Stars we had fun exploring ‘Aquarium’ as our theme of the month for May! The children discussed all the different animals in the Aquarium and what they looked like and they enjoyed pretending to be scuba divers exploring under the sea! We had fun reading all different kinds of stories related to under the sea which the children loved interacting with and some of their favourites have been “Tiddler“ and “Commotion in the ocean”. This helped the children learn all about the different animals that live in the ocean and their names. We have also been focusing on our colour recognition which the children have done really well with and spent some time focusing on. We enjoyed sorting out the bears into the correct colour bowls, talking about all the different colours. We also had fun learning about mixing colours and what two different colours make. The children enjoyed getting stuck into this and getting all messy with the hand painting. We also took the warm weather as an opportunity to do some water play which the children loved and enjoyed pouring and filling up pots and jugs which encouraged the children with sensory play and helped them with hand eye coordination to pour from one pot to another.