Week Beginning 4th May 2020

Posted by Jane Walters

Good morning

I wanted to share what another great week had last week, waiting for our friends

We made the most of the fun in the sun whilst it lasted.

We have spent time this week making and preparing bunting for VE day on Friday 8th May 2020



Beep Beep

Catch the ball

Run and catch

Having fun on the scuttle-bug

Swinging and having fun

Fun in the sun whilst it lasts


Bunting making for VE day

More bunting fun

Bunting fun


Displaying the children’s bunting ready for VE day tomorrow

Looking at it from the front side, to see the work. Ready for tomorrow



Cutting fun

Cutting fun

More cutting fun

Scissor exercise



Thanks for coming to have a look at our fun time here at Bright Stars

Take care

Keep Safe – Jane – Fleet Commander