Over the last month in Little Twinkles we have welcomed some new starters who have settled in well and have started to make bonds with their new key people.
We have also celebrated Halloween by getting creative, making different pieces of themed artwork including footprint and hand monsters and large sponge painted pumpkins (learning to grip the sponge or paintbrush using our hands). We also enjoyed dressing up in Halloween costumes and having a photo shoot.
Throughout the Autumn season we have explored using our senses; scrunchy leaves, both real and artificial, pinecones, pretend spiders and animals which helps with our imaginative play, as well as cobwebs and other Halloween themed activities.
For Bonfire Night we had an activity in the tuff tray using chalk to make our own representations of the shapes and colours of the fireworks, and mark making freely.
Furthermore, to honour Remembrance Day we’ve used paint dabbers on printed poppy pictures to make marks and get creative.